How to open a Fixed Deposit Account on SBI Yono Lite without visiting branch bank?
June 01, 2020
Do you know? We can create a FD account on SBI Yono Lite without visiting your branch bank. Generally, we cannot save your money on saving accounts if you have an ATM card because you can withdraw anytime whenever you require but in Fixed Deposit, you cannot withdraw anytime until its maturity is over and plus point, you get more interest rates than on saving account. So, you can save your money to FD account with the help of Yono Lite. If you are ready to leap and learn, let's drive in.
First of all, you must have installed the SBI Yono Lite on your mobile device and activated with Internet Banking. If you have not yet installed and activated it, you may learn from other sources. But for now, I'm going to help you how to open a Fixed Deposit account on SBI Yono Lite. While, FD is an account that you deposit for a certain period and the bank will pay you interest based on your deposited amount and the length of time.
Now, open the SBI Yono Lite on your mobile device.
Get login with MPIN or Internet Banking Username and Password.
In the dashboard of the app, go to 'e-Deposits'.
Tap 'Open Fixed Deposit'.
Select your bank account that you are going to use for FD account if you have multiple bank accounts.
Tap 'Interest Rate' to know the rate of interest.
Tap 'Home Loan' in the yellow button and change to 'Fixed Deposit'. (See, the rate of interest is given 5.70% for 1 year to less than 2 years and the same interest rates for 2 years to less than 3 years but these interest rates may be changed from time to time, so, you need to check at the time of opening FD)
Tap back arrow to return to Open Fixed Deposit.
Set the amount that you want to deposit for FD (the amount will be deducted from your saving account and make sure that you have avail the balance on your bank account).
Select e-STDR (Cumulative - Interest paid at maturity). It means the Interest will be paid at the time of maturity of your deposit. (I like this, we get all the interest at once).
Or if you are planning to receive interest on selected intervals and then select e-TDR (Non-cumulative - Interest paid at selected intervals)
Select Tenure of Deposit as Years/Months/Days and then set years, months and days that how long you want to deposit.
Now, choose an option among the given Maturity Instructions for your Term Deposit. There are three options:
Auto renew Principal and repay Interest means at the time of maturity, you will get only Interest and the deposited amount will be renewed for another selected term;
Repay Principal and Interest means you will get paid both your deposited amount along with interests at the time of maturity;
Auto renew Principal and Interest means you will not get paid at the time of maturity but your deposited amount along with interest will be renewed for another selected term. (I suggest you select that Repay Principal and Interest)
Tick the Terms and Conditions.
Click Submit.
You get all the details of your FD account in preview mode and check properly before you submit.
Tap Confirm.
You will get a flash message for confirmation and take screenshot and then click OK. You will also receive a confirmation message.
Tap Back to Menu
Tap eDeposit Enquiry.
Select Deposit Account Number. You will get all the details of FD account.
Now, you can log out.
I hope this will help to open your FD without visiting your branch bank.
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