I don’t have enough money... one of my big excuses to follow my dreams, when I was young. Stepping up my education to graduate level was set in my mind as ultimate desire. It was happened to me so as I belonged to an impecunious family, which made me to pursue education up to graduate level is just become nightmares of education. And I was struggling hardly bearing unbearable emotions and feelings – why I was born in an impecunious family? Why God chose me to such family? Sometimes, my mind was poisoned to end up my life.

As the time passed on, I learnt to live with the difficulties and adverse circumstances of every step, which shaped me from a lump of clay to a ceramic ware. Gradually, I learnt the adversities are the potters of my life, who hits a lump of clay and gives a shape to a beautiful ceramic ware. And I know, everyone admires and loves it – wow, awesome, lovely, etc. looking at the wares. But you never try to know the backstage scene of the ceramic wares – how was the lump of clay moulded and cast hardly? The pain is unseen and unheard and none of us try to.
A special gift of our life is masked in the adversities that possibly, you and I travel through, more often. When I learnt to live with the adversities, there I found my life, which makes me compel to feel that every cloud has a silver lining.
My friends were enjoying lunch, but I had to satiate my growling stomach by looking at empty pocket. Hardly, I was passed out from the college. When I was young, I thought I will get a job after college for a huge salary. But it became a big myth to me.
As the days passed on, the necessity of jobs keeps on increasing. And I was seeking jobs at door to door of companies and private schools. But my fortune didn’t favour me. Nevertheless, kept on rendering until I found a way to survive.
Eventually, I started my journey in a private school though I didn’t get enough salary to live my life the way I want. But I was not able to stick on the duty more than one year.
In spite of being jobless, I published a poetry book when I had four thousand only in my hands. The poetry book is a collection of my poems, which I used to pen down my emotions and feelings since at the end of my schooling. I raised my hands for borrowing some amount, unfortunately, it was at the time of demonetization in India. And none of them, trusted me for a single penny. At the end, I had to publish my book in loan with the press.
If I didn’t dare to publish the book for want of money, I mightn’t have started my journey of writing yet. It was unforgettable moment of writing career in my life. And I came to know, if you are curious to step up in the pinnacle of success, no one has right to stop you, until you desire so. And I proudly say, if you are not ready to take up for your success, you may have owe a bunch of excuses – I have not enough time, I have not enough money, I don’t have enough skill, I don’t have enough support, I’m not experienced enough, it’s too risky, it’s too soon and blah blah...
You need to replace your excuses with the ways of achieving your dreams. And don’t try to delete your excuses blindly without replacing because deleted files can be recovered, later on, but the replaced excuses, can't be recovered subsequently as you don't have space for. Set your dream and start the journey of your life the way you want to live with.
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